Table of Contents

Season Data Transfer

When starting a new season for an episodic that used SyncOnSet on a previous season, some of the information from the old season can be transferred to the new season. This includes: 

  • Actors/Actor Headshots
  • Principal Characters
  • Background Characters
  • Sets
  • Inventory/Inventory Photos (Costume Items, Props, and Set Pieces)

A Season Data Transfer does not include the following:

  • Scenes
  • Changes/Looks
  • Continuity/Research Photos

Requesting a Season Data Transfer

To request a Season Data Transfer for a new season of your production, please contact our Accounts Team at or (310) 451-1792 ext. 2.

The previous Production Owner will be assigned as the Production Owner of the new season. If your production would like to assign a new Production Owner, the previous Production Owner must transfer the Production Owner position in the previous season.

Note: If the previous Production Owner cannot be reached, the UPM (or the contract signee from that season) should contact us at with the name and email of the new production owner and we’ll take care of the rest.

Once we have everything that we need, we will reach out to the new Production Owner to get the Season Data Transfer started. 

Starter Episode 

Once the new season is created, you will receive an automated email from SyncOnSet and a member of our team will reach out to confirm.

For Episodics set up Traditionally, there will be an episode under the new season of your production in this format “000 - Season X Data”.

For Episodics set up Like A Feature, there will be a link under the new season of your production in this format “Production Name - Season”.

Transferring Data from the Previous Season

It is the most efficient to transfer your Inventory first because exporting Inventory causes any linked Characters, Actors, or Sets to be automatically exported into your new season as well.

On the other hand, if you are not transferring any Inventory from the previous season, we recommend exporting your Characters first. Any Actors that are linked to your Characters will also be exported.

We recommend transferring data from the previous season before completing the auto script import in the new season. If the script is imported after the data transfer, you can link existing Characters to avoid duplicates. If this isn't possible, you can manually delete any duplicate Characters later.

Pro Tip: If your previous season has duplicate Characters, you should either select one version or merge them prior to exporting to the new season.

Once the new season is started:

  1. Log in to your SyncOnSet account and click on the filmstrip icon in the top right hand corner. This will take you to your My Productions page. 
  2. Go to the new season and add yourself as the Department Head for your department.
  3. Go to the previous season (any episode) to export data to your new season.
Note: Each department that needs a Season Data Transfer will need to be added to their department in order to export Inventory assigned to that department from the previous season.

Exporting Inventory

You can only export Inventory that belongs to your department.

  1. In the previous season, click Inventory.
  2. On the Inventory table, check the boxes next to each piece of Inventory you wish to export. If you wish to export everything, select the check box in the header row.
  3. Click the Horizontal Ellipsis above the table, select Export, and select the new season.
  4. Click Confirm to confirm the export.
Warning: If the confirm button re-activates do NOT click it again. The data is transferring in the background and clicking the button again may duplicate your data.
Pro Tip: Exporting all of the Inventory at once may cause the export to take longer or timeout completely. To avoid this, we recommend filtering the Inventory Index by Character Closet first, then only export a few Character Closets at a time.

Exporting Principal Characters

  1. In the previous season, click Characters to access the Character Index. For traditional episodics, click the hyperlink under the Characters header to view the Full Season of Characters.
  2. On the Principals table, check the boxes next to each Character you wish to export. If you wish to export everything, select the check box in the header row.
  3. Click the Horizontal Ellipsis above the table, select Export, and select the new season.
  4. Click Confirm to confirm the export.
    Warning: If the confirm button re-activates do NOT click it again. The data is transferring in the background and clicking the button again may duplicate your data.
Pro Tip: As long as your Actors are linked to a Principal Character, they will be exported to the new season. If you have Actors in your production that aren't linked to a Character, you'll need to head over to the Actors Index to export them.
Viewing Transferred Characters in the New Season

If your Production is set up following a Traditional/Block format, the Character Index will only list Characters from the Episodes you have selected in the Episode Selector by default. When you transfer Characters into the new Season, these Characters will initially only be visible from the Full Season View since they have not been added into any Episodes yet. To view all Characters in the Production, click the blue hyperlink next to Viewing, above the Principals card.

Exporting Background

  1. In the previous season, click Characters to access the Character Index. For traditional episodics, click the hyperlink under the Characters header to view the Full Season of Characters.
  2. On the Background table (below Principals), check the boxes next to each BG you wish to export. If you wish to export everything, select the check box in the header row.
  3. Click the Horizontal Ellipsis above the table, select Export, and select the new season.

Exporting Actors

  1. In the previous season, hover over Characters and select Actors.
  2. On the Actors table, check the boxes next to each Actor you wish to export. If you wish to export everything, select the check box in the header row.
  3. Click the Horizontal Ellipsis above the table, select Export, and select the new season.
Note: Actors linked to Principal Characters will be exported when you export the Character. Unlinked Actors will need to be exported from the Actors Index.

Exporting Sets

Sets cannot be directly exported at this time. Sets will be automatically exported when you export a Set Piece that is assigned to that particular Set.

If you do not have any Set Pieces assigned to the Set you'd like to export, you can create a new Set Piece or assign an existing Set Piece to the Set. You can assign as many Sets as you'd like to the Set Piece. Check out our article about Adding and Removing Inventory to learn more about this process.

Once the Set Piece has been assigned to the Set:

  1. In the previous season, click Inventory.
  2. On the Inventory table, check the boxes next to the Set Piece that is associated with the Set.
  3. Click the Horizontal Ellipsis above the table, select Export, and select the new season.

Once the Set Piece has been exported to the new Season, it can be deleted and the Set will remain in the new Season.

Ready to add your first episode? Check out: Adding Episodes to get started!

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Episodics: Traditional vs. Like a Feature
