Bag Tag Printing Skips Labels

Jennifer Sneider Updated by Jennifer Sneider

When printing bag tags, the Dymo printer sometimes skips a label. To resolve this issue, check your print settings in the Print Preview window to ensure that:

  • You selected the correct paper size. 
  • You deselected Headers and Footers. 

The settings for each browser are below.

Pro Tip: We recommend using the Chrome browser to print bag tags.

Chrome Browser

  1. In the Print Preview window, click the caret to open More Settings.
  2. Click the dropdown next to Paper Size and select 30256 Shipping (2 5/16" x 4" labels) or 30323 Shipping (2 1/8" x 4" labels). (Recent Chrome/Dymo driver updates may have changed the options in your list. If so, select om w167h288.)
  3. Make sure the box next to Headers and footers and Background graphics is unchecked.
  4. Click Print.
Note: If you find some information is cut off, adjust the margins. To do this, select Custom in the dropdown next to “Margins.” Set the margins using your cursor to drag the lines on the preview pane. We found it successful using 30256 Shipping as the paper size and setting the top margin to .5”, bottom margin to .46”, left margin to .011”, and right margin to 0. If these margins don’t work for your set up, adjust the margins to your liking. 

Safari Browser

  1. In the Print Preview window, click Show Details to open more settings.
  2. Click the dropdown next to Paper Size and select 30323 Shipping (2 1/8" x 4" labels).
  3. Make sure the box next to Print Headers and Footers is unchecked.
  4. Click Print.

Firefox Browser 

  1. In the Print Preview window, select your Dymo printer as the Printer.
  2. Click Show Details to open more settings.
  3. Click the dropdown next to Paper Size and select 30323 Shipping (2 1/8" x 4" labels).
  4. Make sure your Page Headers and Page Footers are set to blank.
  5. Click Print.

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