Table of Contents

[Mobile] Inventory Overview

Inventory consists of any Costume Items, Props, and Set Pieces that have been created either on the web or mobile app.

Note: Inventory is department-specific. The Inventory you see in the mobile app reflects the departments that you have selected in the Department Selector.

There are multiple places that you can view Inventory on the mobile app. To see a full list of the Inventory in your production, use the Inventory Index or Universal Search.

Using the Inventory Index

View Inventory on the Inventory Index

  1. Tap Home on the bottom navigation bar to access the Home page.
  2. Tap Inventory to view the Inventory Index.
  3. Tap the Arrow in line with a Character or Set to view all Inventory assigned to the entity.
    1. Tap the Unassigned Inventory header to view Inventory not assigned to a Character or Set.
Pro Tip: Tap the (+) on the top right of the Inventory Index to create new Inventory!

Searching by Barcode Scanning

If your production has added barcode information to your Inventory, you can easily locate this Inventory by utilizing the Barcode Scanner.

To use the Barcode Scanner:

  1. Tap the Barcode Icon directly left of the search bar.
  2. Line up the barcode with the viewfinder.
  3. When the system has identified a barcode, the viewfinder will turn green and the barcode will be scanned.

The barcode will automatically be entered in the search bar and matching results will be displayed. Tap the result to access the Inventory Details for that item.

Delete Inventory from the Inventory Index

Delete individual items directly from the Inventory Index.

  1. Swipe right to left on the item you want to delete.
  2. Tap the Trash Can.
  3. Tap Delete.
  1. Tap Search on the bottom navigation bar to access Universal Search.
  2. Under Search by Category, tap Inventory

The search results show a full list of Inventory that has been created in your production. 

To search for a specific piece of Inventory, type the item name into the search bar at the top of the screen. 

Character Closets

Inventory belonging to a particular Character can also be viewed from the Character View page. Inventory is separated into a Costume Closet and a Prop Closet.

Costume Closet

The Costume Closet displays all of the items that have been assigned to a Character. Add new or existing items to a Costume Closet by tapping (+) Add New Item or (+) Add Existing Item

Props Closet

Similar to the Costume Closet, the Props Closet displays all of the Props that have been assigned to a Character. Add new or existing Props to a Props Closet by tapping (+) Add New Props or (+) Add Existing Prop


With access to the Props department, view or add Props from a Scene View page. On a Scene View page, Props live in two different areas:

  • Principals/Background tab displays Props that are being used by a Character in the Scene.
  • Scene Props tab displays Props that are in the Scene but are not being used by a Character.

Tap on a Prop to see all the information associated with that Prop, including details, use notes, photos, and more. 

Note: All of the information for a Prop is editable on the mobile app, and any changes you make to it will reflect in the web app once you have synced.

Set Pieces

With access to the Set Dec department, view or add Set Pieces to a Set from a Set View page.

There are a few ways you can view Set Inventory:

  • Tap Home, then tap Inventory to view the Inventory Index. Tap the Arrow in line with a Set name to expand the list and see all Set Pieces assigned to the Set.
  • Tap into a Set View and view the Set Pieces tab.
  • Tap Search in the bottom navigation bar to access Universal Search and then tap Inventory to see the full list of Set Pieces in your production.
Note: All of the information for a Set Piece is editable on the mobile app and any changes you make to it will reflect in the web app once you sync.

How did we do?

[Mobile] Character Closets
