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Merging Assets

Jennifer Sneider Updated by Jennifer Sneider

All users can access this feature.

The Merge Assets feature takes up to five Assets and merges their information, photos, attachments, and financial data into one unified record. To merge Assets, each Asset needs to belong to the same Series/Feature (and/or Division), Project (and/or Warehouse), and Department. 

Note: When you merge Assets, the selected data and Transactions are assigned to the newly merged master Asset. Since nothing can truly be deleted in AssetHub, the "empty shells" of the other Assets move to the Trash Bin.

Merge Assets

  1. While logged in to a Series/Feature/Division, click Assets on the top navigation bar access the Asset Index.
  2. Click the checkboxes to the left of the Assets you'd like to merge.
  3. Click Merge.
  4. In the pop-up, choose information from each Asset to keep as the primary information for the merged Asset.
  5. Click Merge and confirm in the pop-up. A confirmation message at the bottom of your screen will display, and the merged Asset will appear on the Asset Index.
Note: When merging Assets, Cost fields and Transactions will not be summed. If the Cost fields are different, you will need to choose one and/or edit the primary Cost field to the new total.
Pro Tip: Merging Assets with different names? Make a note in the Description field to reference the secondary Asset's name. For example, Asset 1 = Toaster (primary), Asset 2 = BBQ. Enter note on Toaster "Was BBQ on Season 1."
Warning: If you are have access to Assets in multiple Series/Features/Divisions, Projects, or Departments AND you accidentally attempt to merge Assets from different Series/Features/Divisions, Projects, Warehouses, or Departments, you will not be able to merge those Assets and will see this message.

How did we do?

Splitting/Duplicating Assets

Adding Photos to an Asset
