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[Mobile] Uploading and Tagging Photos

Note: For guidance using the built-in Photo Editor, please see [Mobile] Photo Markup and Editing Photos.

On the mobile app, there are many different places where you can upload photos. Just look for a Camera icon or (+) Add Photo button which are displayed on various pages throughout the app. 

While you are uploading photos, you can add tags that will help you see your photos in the correct locations. If you don’t want to tag photos during the upload process, no worries! You can always tag the photos later.

Pro Tip: You must give SyncOnSet permission to access your mobile device’s camera roll and camera in order to take and upload photos.

Uploading Photos

To upload photos:

  1. Tap a Camera icon or an (+) Add Photos button:
  1. Select the photos you’d like to upload from your camera roll or take a picture directly from the mobile app.
    Note: Photos will appear in the order that they are selected with the Main Photo appearing first.
  2. Tap Next. 
  3. If desired, add a description and tags. Depending on what page you are uploading photos from, some tags will be added by default. Tap (+) Add Tags to add more.
  4. Tap Save.

Once the photos are uploaded, you can find them in the various Galleries available on the mobile app (e.g. Character Gallery, Scene Gallery, etc.) The tags assigned to your photos determine what Gallery the photos appear in.

HEIC and MOV images are converted to JPEG when they're uploaded. By default, photos are compressed when uploaded unless the “use full-size images” setting is selected under Settings > Photo Syncing.

Pro Tip: You can also upload photos by tapping on the Pencil icon anywhere in the app. This icon takes you to an Edit Form where you can tap (+) Add Photo to upload photos that will automatically be tagged to the applicable entities.

Tagging Photos

Tagging photos indicates what Character, Item, Prop, Set Piece, Change, Scene, and/or Set your photos are assigned to. Photos can either be tagged individually or in bulk and can be tagged as "Research" if they are research photos. If photos are not tagged during the initial upload, you can always add additional tags at any time.

Pro Tip: Tagging photos is particularly beneficial when you’re ready to generate Reports, such as the Continuity Book.

To tag an individual photo:

  1. Tap Gallery in the top navigation bar of any Scene, Character, Set, Change, or Look View page, or tap into the Inventory View page of any Item.
  2. Tap the photo you want to add tags to. 
  3. Tap Add Tags.
  4. Use the search bar at the top or select one of the categories to see tags related to that category. If the photo is a research or fitting photo, tap the Research category to mark the photo as research.
  5. Once the appropriate tags are selected, tap Add Tags.

To tag photos in bulk:

  1. Tap Gallery in the top navigation bar of the Scene, Character, Set, Change, or Look View page you're in.
  2. Select each photo that you'd like to tag to by tapping the circle in the top right corner of the photos.
  3. Tap the Tag button.
  4. Use the search bar at the top or select one of the categories to see tags related to that category. If the photos are research or fitting photos, tap the Research category to mark the photos as research.
  5. Once the appropriate tags are selected, tap Add Tags.
Note: The photos you want to tag will only exist in their respective Galleries if the photos have already been tagged to them. If they haven't been tagged at all, you'll find them in the Untagged Photos tab in the Main Menu.

he colored dot in the bottom left corner of each photo will indicate which department the photo has been uploaded under.

To remove tags:

  1. Locate the photo and tap on it.
  2. Tap the X next to the tag(s) you want to remove.
Note: Removing tags can only be done individually.

Untagged Photos

Tap Menu in the bottom navigation bar and then tap Untagged Photos to see all photos which have no tags.

On this page, you can add tags to existing photos or tap (+) Add Photo to bulk upload photos and tag them later.

To tag photos:

  1. Tap the circle on all of the photos you want to tag (a blue checkmark will appear if a photo is selected).
  2. Tap the Tag icon.
  3. Use the search bar or select one of the categories to see tags related to that category.
  4. Once the appropriate tags are selected, tap Add Tags.
Note: When a photo is tagged, it automatically moves out of Untagged Photos and into the correct Gallery.

Deleting Photos

Photos that are no longer needed can be deleted at any time.

To delete photos:

  1. Locate the photo and tap on it.
  2. Tap the Trash Can button in the bottom right corner of the Photo Viewer.
  3. Tap Delete to confirm.
Note: Photos must be deleted individually.

Main Photos

Any photo that has been tagged to a Scene, Character, Change, Look, Prop, and/or Set can be assigned as the Main Photo for that entity.

To make a photo the Main Photo:

  1. Tap on the photo.
  2. Tap an existing tag to assign the photo as the Main Photo for that entity.
  3. Tap Ok in the pop up that says, "This will become the main photo for [entity]."

You will now see a star icon in the tag, indicating that it has been assigned as the Main Photo for that entity. To unassign a Main Photo from an entity, simply choose a different photo and use the steps above to assign a new photo!

Note: The Main Photo for a Look or Change is not Scene-specific. The thumbnail will display alongside that Look or Change regardless of what Scene it's assigned to.

Research Photos

Users with the View Research Gallery permission can upload and view any photos that have been marked as research, including fitting photos. These photos can be uploaded from any page in the app where there is a Camera icon or (+) Add Photo button.

To upload a research photo:

  1. Tap a Camera icon or an (+) Add Photos button.
  2. Select the photos you’d like to upload from your camera roll or take a picture directly from the mobile app.
  3. Tap Next.
  4. Depending on what page you are uploading photos from, some tags will be added by default. Tap (+) Add Tags to add more.
  5. Tap Research to mark the photo as research.
  6. Tap Save.

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[Mobile] Gallery Overview
