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Your Continuity Book [New Reports Index]

Justin McDaniel Updated by Justin McDaniel

Congratulations - you're almost wrapped! This article explains how each department can download a copy of the continuity photos as a PDF that you can email or save to a drive.

Pro Tip: Make sure all your photos are tagged to a Character (for Costume, Hair, Makeup, and Props departments), Set (for Set Dec department) and/or Scene.

Costume Department

The Costume department’s Continuity Book is the Changes Detail report. This report displays all photos tagged to Changes sorted by Episode, Scene or Character. 

Note: Photos must be tagged to a Change to appear in this report.
  1. Click Reports in the top navigation bar.
  2. Scroll down until you see the Change Reports header.
  1. Click Generate next to Changes Detail.
  1. In the form, choose to sort by clicking Episode, Character or Scene in the dropdown.
  1. Be sure to check the box next to Continuity Photos to include them in the report.
  1. Click Generate and your report will open in a new tab.
Pro Tip: This report may take some time depending on the number of photos and your internet speed. If you see that your browser is still loading (there will be an X where the refresh button should be), the report is still processing. 

Once the report generates, you can save it as a PDF.

Hair and Makeup Departments

The Hair and Makeup departments’ Continuity Book is the Looks Detail Report.

If you have created Looks and tagged photos to the appropriate Looks, you can generate the Continuity Book with the Looks Detail Report. If your team is not creating Looks or tagging photos to Looks, you can download your Continuity Book via the Gallery. See the Gallery Report section below.

  1. Click Reports in the top navigation bar.
  2. Look for Looks Detail and be sure to check the box to print with continuity photos.
  3. Click Generate Report and your report will open in a new tab.

Props Department

The Props department's Continuity Book is the Props Continuity Report. This report displays Continuity photos or Inventory photos tagged to a Scene and a Prop.

Note: In order for a photo to be considered a Continuity photo, it must be tagged to both a Prop and a Scene. Photos that are only tagged to a Prop or a Prop and a Character will be considered Inventory Photos.
  1. Click Reports in the top navigation bar.
  2. Look for Props Continuity and click Generate Report
  1. Customize your report in the form. Click Generate and your report will open in a new tab.

Once the report generates, you can save it as a PDF.

Set Dec Department

The Set Dec department's Continuity Book is the Gallery Report (see below). This report displays all photos tagged to a Scene and/or Set.

If you have tagged photos by Scenes, Sets, and/or Characters, you can generate the Continuity Book of your photos with a Gallery Report.

  1. Click Gallery in the top navigation bar.
  2. By default, the Gallery is filtered to show untagged photos. 
If there are photos displaying in the untagged filter, tag the photos before proceeding.
  1. Click Untagged Photos to open a drop down menu, then select All Photos by Scene, All Photos by Shoot Date, All Photos by Character, or All Photos by Set.
Note: If you have a lot of photos in your Gallery, it might take a moment to load them all. 
  1. Once you've sorted your photos, click Print.
  1. A pop-up will appear where you can customize your report. Make your selections and click Generate.

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Your Continuity Book

Saving Reports Digitally
