Table of Contents

[Mobile] Universal Search

Universal Search is accessible from any page on the mobile app and makes it easy to quickly find anything in your production!  

To access Universal Search, tap Search in the bottom navigation bar 🔎.  

From here, type a name or number into the search bar and matching Characters, Actors, Scenes, Changes, Looks, Sets, or Inventory are displayed in the search results.

You can also search by Category by tapping one of the categories that are listed. After selecting a category, you can tap a specific result or further narrow your search by using the search bar at the top.  

Searching by Barcode Scanning

If your production has added barcode information to your Inventory, you can easily locate this Inventory by utilizing the Barcode Scanner.

To use the Barcode Scanner:

  1. Tap the Barcode Icon directly left of the search bar.
  2. Line up the barcode with the viewfinder.
  3. When the system has identified a barcode, the viewfinder will turn green and the barcode will be scanned.

The barcode will automatically be entered in the search bar and matching results will be displayed. Tap the result to access the Inventory Details for that item.

Inaccurate Search Results

If your search result isn't producing information you believe it should, you can reset the way the app searches to improve search results.

To reset the search:

  1. Tap Home on the bottom navigation bar.
  2. Tap Help.
  3. Tap the Reset Search box.

How did we do?

[Mobile] Syncing

[Mobile] Switching Productions and Multi-Episode View
